We just purchased a set of 50 little cigarette cards featuring all kinds of bird eggs! These are so sweet, and I look forward to creating collage sheets and other design elements with them, but I couldn't resist sharing one here for Spring!
The back of each has information about the bird, and they were designed so that you can "push up" the egg so that it stands up on the card. Such a great find, from a shop in England.

I'm happy to share these for use in PERSONAL NON-COMMERCIAL PROJECTS ~ Please be kind enough to CREDIT LUNAGIRL.COM if you publish your piece or display it online.
A NOTE ABOUT OUR FREE IMAGES: We recently came across someone reselling one of our free images in a digital kit (thanks again to the person who told us about this). Their picture host took down their pics when we reported it, but it's so unpleasant to do that. PLEASE: This is a gift for your personal use in your own art. Please be courteous & don't resell it, so that we can continue to have fun offering freebies!